Infomail 09-2022

This day we have send out the first basic information to our riders. The information include a demo Bonus Book, a CSV and GPX files. Also we add the list of countries where you can collect points – list is not final yet. All this is also stored as “12Days.EU-2023-Info_2022_09” in our central place for… Continue reading Infomail 09-2022

Registration for the rally is open again. Unfortunately, we had to cancel all pre-registrations at the end of 2021 and put the website into maintenance mode for a short time.
This is due to organisational reasons – the organisation has changed from IBA Germany to IBA Benelux. Some changes were necessary (logos, links, accounts and payment information, …).
Now everything is back online and we are happy that again more than 10 riders have registered.

The planning of the rally itself has not taken a break – in the meantime we have verified more then 80% of the points, the basic structure of the rally book is in place, some of the combos are fixed and we are slowly moving towards the start – there are only 1.5 years left. That sounds like a lot, but the list of things that need to be organised/ordered/confirmed is growing at the same rate as time moves on.
We are happy that it is now slowly but surely going into the home stretch.


This is a Ping – one Ping only – to show you that we are living. 30 participants from 8 countries – that’s the balance at the moment. There are some small changes – the list of participants (and thus also the map) now only shows a running participant number and the rough zip code.… Continue reading Ping…

The games are open

To this day, this is also true for this rally. A lot of work from many people in the background was necessary to get here. Now it is done and we are looking forward to your reactions. We know that the time until the scheduled start seems to be long – but it will be… Continue reading The games are open